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Google クチコミ

4.6 クチコミ クチコミ クチコミ クチコミ (488 件のクチコミ) すべての Google のクチコミを見る

Thu Do
I bought the 2 week-intensive training package and had a wonderful learning experience with the team here at Tokorozaqa Center Driving School. Please note that for the theoretical test, you will have options for English, Japanese, Vietnamese, but all the driving practice and real time instructions will be mostly in Japanese. The theoretical test might be difficult but the system where they pushed us to reach 96/100 points 3 times a day really help me to get the good scores for the test. I also got the teachers to help me fix all the driving mistakes very carefully and passed all the tests at ease. Please consider this school if you are looking for a good driving school :D
この度は当教習所をお選びいただき、誠にありがとうございます。 学科、頑張りましたね! 免許を取った後でも、分からないことがあれば遠慮なくご連絡下さい。 しっかりサポートさせていただきます。
佐藤Fristy Tania
I recently completed a two-week driving camp program and it was truly worthwhile! The entire experience was meticulously organized—from the schedule to the accommodations, and the bento meals were not only convenient but also delicious. What stood out the most was the friendliness and patience of the driving instructors, who were exceptionally accommodating, especially considering I am a foreigner. However, it’s important to note that proficiency in Japanese is a must, as all instructions and materials are in Japanese. I would recommend any non-fluent speakers to purchase an English textbook outside of the school to aid in your learning. Overall, I highly recommend this program if you meet the language requirements!
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この度は当校をお選びいただき誠にありがとうございます。 不安な気持ちや日本語の勉強に苦労されたことと思います。 しかし、2週間という短い期間で素晴らしい努力をして卒業されました。 今後様々な分野で活躍されることを期待しています。 ありがとうございました。
Mizuki Ding
I spent 2 weeks here getting my drivers license because I’m moving to Hokkaido for work and need to drive there. I had a fantastic time working with a variety of instructors and studying with the other girls in the camp. I’d recommend at least N2 Japanese to make the most of your time at this camp, but everyone is very helpful and you will be fine if you are willing to do the work. (^^)
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北海道は雪が多いので、運転には十分注意してください。 特に急ハンドル、急ブレーキは厳禁です。 また、車間距離を広く取って運転しましょう。 卒業おめでとうございます。 どうぞお体に気をつけて。
